My name is Helen McKenna and I am a Swim Australia coach based on the Sunshine Coast. Like many websites, Get Swimming was created as a result of personal experience. However, unlike many swimming websites, I am not coming from a wealth of childhood swim squad experience but rather as an adult who could swim and loved the water but had never done any serious training.
Believing the chance to become a squad swimmer had long passed me by, I instead trained as a Learn To Swim teacher so as to still be involved in the industry, even if only vicariously. As often happens in life, one throwaway comment in the right ear (in this case the head coach of the pool I was working at), started me on the journey to where I am today. Through some consistent nudging I was convinced to join an adult squad and soon realised that even though I would might never be of the same calibre of a childhood champion, I could definitely become a competent squad swimmer and enjoy the sport on an equal footing. Also after many years of being a Learn To Swim teacher I moved into coaching, with a special interest in adults.
Through my own experiences of learning how to become a better swimmer I am passionate about helping other adults do the same and recognise that the biggest hurdle is often taking that first step and having a go.
Believing the chance to become a squad swimmer had long passed me by, I instead trained as a Learn To Swim teacher so as to still be involved in the industry, even if only vicariously. As often happens in life, one throwaway comment in the right ear (in this case the head coach of the pool I was working at), started me on the journey to where I am today. Through some consistent nudging I was convinced to join an adult squad and soon realised that even though I would might never be of the same calibre of a childhood champion, I could definitely become a competent squad swimmer and enjoy the sport on an equal footing. Also after many years of being a Learn To Swim teacher I moved into coaching, with a special interest in adults.
Through my own experiences of learning how to become a better swimmer I am passionate about helping other adults do the same and recognise that the biggest hurdle is often taking that first step and having a go.